11 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Read My Blog

11 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Read My Blog

girl, shy, hands

Yup. you read that right. 

After years of being told I should write, and over two decades of procrastinating this innate calling, I am still a walking writer’s block of how or where to get started. That’s reason number one. 

Throw in years of active addiction, polish it off with some years of active recovery. The disease of addiction tells me my writing isn’t worth you reading. I still struggle with self-esteem and self-efficacy. Add that to reason number two. 

I have YouTubed and Googled each and every step of this “how to become a blogger” journey. In other words, I’m not an expert and one would think growing up in the generation of technology I would be slightly more intuitive about this whole ordeal. To put it bluntly, I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. Reason number three!

Reason number four: My life is relatively uneventful these days (and I’m totally okay with that!) I’ve been in bed since 5pm, binge watching “Shameless” for the upteenth time and it’s a Saturday night. (I so wish I could hear your thoughts right now). Hint, hint: This is not a travel blog! 

Reason number five: I don’t know what I can offer you. I am still unsure of what category my blog falls under: lifestyle vs. personal. What I can promise is random, real, raw, sensitive savagery, and comedic word vomit about trying to manage three jobs, grad school, recovery, a household, a fiance, and two crazy, codependent four-legged children who dominate this house. One is currently licking his balls, the other is currently interfering with the ability for me to comfortably type, and one is snoring. I’ll let you guess which one is my fiance. 

Reason number six: I do want to make money writing one day. And this is my attempt to start. Am I not supposed to say that? I feel like I read that during my half-ass research of how to start this blog-venture. I know in my soul that I am meant for more. After years of being told all these cliches: “The world is in your hands; you are the type to accomplish your dreams; you are such an inspiration,” I’m finally believing and embracing it. I don’t want to waste any more time watching life pass me by. I know I’m not unique in this belief and perhaps you feel the same way. I know there’s more to life than working a 9 to 5, paying bills, making dinner and waking up to repeat. And I’m determined to get there. Let’s get there together.

Reason number seven: If you are easily offended. #sorrynotsorry

Reason number eight: I’m the hardest working person you’ll ever meet that doesn’t want to work. Isn’t that the American dream? To get paid while you’re sleeping? I’m fairly talented at most things I attempt. However I’m not perfect. The state considers me a professional drug and alcohol counselor which I laugh every time someone refers to me as a professional. A co-worker told me it’s called Imposter Syndrome. (Let’s save that for a future blog post). I can’t cure your addiction, but I can share with you how to royally fuck up your life and bounce back. 

I’m fairly certain my writing is full of grammatical error. If you haven’t noticed by now, I use a shit load of contractions. Reason number nine. 

I word vomit. I’m tangential. Are you still reading this? Reason number ten. 

Reason number eleven: I’m still a work in progress. This blog, in whatever category it falls under, is not a finished product. Rather, trial and error. However, that’s been my life experience: Failures followed by success. Wisdom gained by mistakes. Faith developed through fear. Love defined by heartbreaks. Victories won through losses. Education through experience. These eleven reasons reflect what have held me back from beginning this journey. 

I always say “take what you need and leave the rest.” I hope you do just that. 

Still with me? I hope you stay because this has been one hell of a journey and this is just the first post.

-Sabrina Leigh

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Love it, you keep on going whatever you do I know you pu your get on it! Way to go gringa!!

Caban wheeler

Lovesssss it

Talia Gonzalez



Love reason 11, still a work in progress, aren’t we all? Looking forward to hearing your journey!